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Walk with us

Alba con vista su Monte Finestra

Anyone can walk with us.

Set off with us to discover the Alta Via dei Monti Lattari!

Walk with us

June 2 to 4, 2022

We walk the full version of the Alta Via dei Monti Lattari in 3 days following the entire 300CAI trail. It starts from the municipality of Cava de’ Tirreni and reaches Punta Campanella, the furthest point of the Sorrento Peninsula in the municipality of Massa Lubrense, passing through Vietri sul Mare, Cetara, Maiori, Tramonti, Ravello, Scala, Agerola, Positano, Vico Equense, Piano di Sorrento and Sorrento.

The goal of our appointment is to go through these places and to tell and document the journey from the eyes of the hiker who faces this adventure. All experiences and videos collected will be used to make a documentary of the journey of all of us and those who join our journey.

Anyone can join and walk with us along the trail freely, walking the entire route together or just a single stage to share experiences and passions.

Many points of interest with high historical and cultural value, full of traditions and art, will be touched along the way. Everything is accompanied by the extraordinarily beautiful views of the Divine Amalfi Coast and Sorrento Peninsula, a paradise of true splendor rich in myths and legends, also narrated by the great poets, writers and artists of every age.

If intending to participate please contact us indicating how many of you there are and do you want to do the whole walk together or just some of the stages, this allows us to organize at the starting point and start the stages together.

For more details about the event or organizational contact us .

Program / Calendar

Mount Window South Summit

Stage 1 – June 2, 2022

Departure: Benedictine Abbey of Cava De’ Tirreni
Destination: Chiunzi Pass
Distance: 23km
Departure time: 7:30 a.m.

Cross of the Conocchia
Cross of the Conocchia

Stage 2 – June 3, 2022

Departure: Valico di Chiunzi
Destination: Santa Maria del Castello
Distance: 25km
Departure time: 6:00 a.m.

Punta Campanella and Capri

Stage 3 – June 4, 2022

Departure: Santa Maria al Castello
Destination: Punta Campanella
Distance: 24km
Departure time: 7:30 a.m.

A brief summary of our trip with short videos

Build with us the cloud of emotions of this experience

Cosa portare nello zaino?

At this link you will find a list of recommended technical equipment.

Each participant is fully responsible for his or her own choice of equipment, with the understanding that some accessories remain essential.

Dove dormire e come organizzarsi?

Each participant must arrange where to sleep independently by contacting overnight facilities in person.

If you decide to participate in tents you can contact us for information on where you can camp at the end of the stage.

  • The meeting point at the first leg of the route is the Benedictine Abbey of Cava de’ Tirreni. It can be reached, by the time of departure, on June 2 only by car from the center of Cava de’ Tirreni because buses on holidays leave too late. Otherwise, it is possible to stay overnight in the hamlet of Corpo di Cava in one of the many available B&Bs.
    If you stay overnight in the center of Cava you can stay in any facility you prefer.
  • At the end of the first stage we recommend staying at “Al valico” at Valico di Chiunzi, Tramonti, where we will also rest.
  • At the end of the second stage we recommend staying at “La Sorgente del Melo” in Santa Maria del Castello. Here we will also stop for dinner and overnight stay.
    Tel: +39 081-8023701
  • The end time of the third stage in Termini is late afternoon/evening. If you do not have a car, you must arrange to return by public transport itself in the evening or the next day, Sunday, June 5. We report the timetable of the5071 bus for the Termini – Sorrento section(Timetable line 5071), then from Sorrento you can reach your destination from the train station.
    If you decide to stay overnight you can stay in any Termini facility you prefer.
    Orari linea 5071:

When contacting recommended facilities refer to participate in’s “Walk with Us” event.

Preparazione al viaggio

Participation in the trip impliestaking full personal responsibility and requires complete autonomy!

Plan your walk as best you can:

  • consult maps of the places we will pass through so that you arrive prepared;
  • ask about the difficulty of the route from the relevant CAI section to assess your suitability for the route;
  • informed about the weather;
  • carry your backpack as your only luggage and take all the necessary equipment with you;
  • independently book sleeping accommodations in the huts/hostels/B&Bs of the stages;
  • Plan your commute to move independently to/from stopover places.

Remember! Mountain trails (which are not pilgrimage paths) require adequate physical preparation and experience.

Participation is strongly discouraged for those suffering from dizziness and heart and/or respiratory problems.

Termini di partecipazione

Participation in the expeditions of is completely voluntary.

We are NOT a tour operator, but a non-profit project carried out by young volunteers.

Participation in the trip therefore implies taking full personal responsibility and requires full autonomy. Minors must be accompanied and are the full responsibility of their parents or guardians.

The staff of is not responsible for the organization of the trip and the accidents of the participants.

The participant therefore DECLARES:

  • to be aware that does not provide any services and/or benefits whatsoever to those who choose to walk with the team;
  • to be in a psychophysical condition suitable for non-competitive sports activity, as well as to have informed himself about the degree of difficulty of the trails where he will walk with the team;
  • to be aware of any risks associated with the practice of the non-competitive sports activity carried out during participation in the expedition, although it cannot be considered such a potentially dangerous activity;
  • to assume as of now any and all responsibility with regard to his or her own person, for personal injury and/or damage caused to others (and/or property) as a result of his or her own behavior not in accordance with the law and/or diligence and/or the common canons of prudence and common sense;
  • to malign the staff, their collaborators and/or employees, as well as any successors in title, from liability for any and all damages (including those caused by third parties) that may be caused to his or her person on the occasion of and/or as a result of the sporting activity carried out on the occasion of the expedition, therein expressly specifying that said indemnity shall also operate against his heirs and/or assigns;
  • That I have carefully read and evaluated the contents of this document and clearly understood the meaning of each point before signing it;
  • that he fully understands and shares the purposes of the rules of prudence established for his safety and that failure to abide by them may place both him and his companions in a dangerous situation.

Be fully prepared and download the route track in GPX format

Discover with us the stages we will go through

Contact us for program information and organization

Safety first!

Throughout the crossing we will always be tuned in to. Montana Radio Network .

Call sign OSCAR 115